Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I have been slacking, I know!

Well, here we are, pulling up on the first birthday and I haven't posted in OVER 5 MONTHS! Wowza!

It's been a busy few months, with me back to work, Gabby in day care, and the new house. So here's the basic scoop:

February 2013 - We moved to the new house, I went back to work and Gabby started day care.Ambitious, eh?

We were all sick in March and April (thanks, day care!).

Gabby also started finger foods in March!

In April, Gabby also started crawling, pulling up, and walking with her walker.

In May she went in the baby pool for the first time.

Now it is June, and we are getting ready for Gabby's 1st Birthday Bash!

Crazy how time flies!!!