Friday, December 12, 2014

6 signs a kid (or two) lives here

  1. Top-level kitchen organization.
    It doesn't even seem right that our kitchen counter should look like this. We have TONS of cabinet space. But when a toddler needs a drink, you damn well better materialize a cup from thin air (and it had better not be an OLD cup - better known as a cup from an hour ago). Also note the bottles and bottle accessories. This is also where we store the kids' medicine. I know you're jealous of my organization skills.
  2. Blankets covering every square inch of the couch.
    It's covered in stains, but what I can't see can't hurt me. 
  3. "Babies sleeping" in odd places.
    Imagine my horror when I walked into the kids' dark bedroom and stumbled into this. For all I knew it was a dead burglar. 
  4. Potty seat hanging on the wall.
    How fancy are we that we have a special hook in the bathroom just for hanging the potty seat? Please ignore the filthy sink and 1950 tile job. We will probably move before the bathroom ever gets updated (or cleaned, haha).
  5. All the no-no items are up high.        No not the breakable things, we don't have any of those. I'm talking about the iphones, laptops, TV remotes. The items we would not survive parenthood without.  
  6. It's not sparkling clean, but it feels like home.

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